
Hey, Your FREE 7 Day Shake Recipes are on their way.

You should be seeing it in your Email Inbox in the next 5-10 minutes from me Sal Jordan.

With the Subject Line:
Re: 7 Day Shakes for Slimming Down

In the meantime, checkout this special report…

ATTENTION: Women OVER 50 looking to drop 20, 35 , 50 or even 100 pounds of Cellulite Fat

Harvard Scientists Find Hidden “Fat Loss Switch” That Makes Burning Fat Nearly Effortless…

Better yet, you never have to go on an extreme "fad diet", restrict calories or ever set foot inside a gym.

From The Desk Of Sal Jordan ....
Dear Friend,

Have you felt like you followed every diet under the sun and haven't gotten the success you wanted?
Have you tried something and saw really great results, just to have it cripple back faster than you lost it?
Ever questioned why your skinny friend can just look at an oreo and look slim all year round but NOT you?

I get it. I know that trying from one plan to another and seeing zero results becomes exhausting.

How about the moment you lose your first 10 pounds and it comes back the next week.

Or worse you start gaining more weight than ever before.

Lastly, the feeling you have when you look at yourself in the mirror feeling trapped inside your body.

Feel as if the whole world is judging you.

All this is not your fault, but you have been mislead by the fitness industry

"How a 47 Year Mom Lost 27 Pounds"

Just look at one of my first clients Amy, a 47 year old mom who had tried programs like

Weight Watchers
● Noom
● Calorie Counting
● Beachbody
● The Keto Diet aka Low Carb

Trying all these had gotten Amy to lose 7 pounds and then gaining that weight back up again.

Amy knew something had to change.

The intimacy she once had with her husband was becoming a distant memory.

Her energy levels were rock bottom and she was tired all day long.

Even after sleeping 9 or 10 hours a day.

The final straw though, was when she overheard her children saying she was fat.

She had to hide in the bathroom until the tears stopped rolling down her face.

She made a vow to herself then and there:

She would do whatever it took to lose weight and reclaim the slender body of her youth.

How I Met Amy

Amy was part of the regular crew that always showed up at 6 am every day.

So one day I saw her and her face was purple...

And she looked like she was about to die.

Which was baffling to me because I had noticed that she really hadn't lost much weight despite a year of being in the gym.

Amy also happened to work out at the same gym that I did.

So I finally went up.

I was like Amy, like, the heck are you doing right now you look like you're gonna die.

Well, she looked embarrassed when she admitted to trying to follow a Beachbody program.

Which makes sense to me because they're everywhere on tv, they make millions of dollars and make it seem easy.

The problem was... she combined high intensity interval training with weight training.

As a result, she was spending over 2 hours a day at the gym!

What the hell, right?

No one can sustain that.

Even the a-list hollywood actors who workout for 2 hours a day
only do it for a short burst.

Not the 6 months I saw Amy do it.

Next, I asked Amy the obvious “what sort of nutrition plan are you following”

She told me her plan consists of following the keto diet and because of that she told me she had given up all her favorite foods.

It has already been 3 weeks on this diet with zero results but more headaches.

At that point I couldn’t take it…

So I finally said, Amy, do you really want to lose weight and keep it off?

Yes, of course Sal.

Now Amy, I really need you to be serious and make the commitment here.

Do you really want to lose weight and keep it off?


Great so I'm going to give you a plan and you have to follow it up for a single week.

“In the next seven days, if you don't lose at least three pounds, I’ll personally give you $100.”

Amy was like “oh yeah, you're crazy and this is going to be the easiest $100 I would ever earn.

But when I showed Amy the plan

She sat down and said “You can't be serious there's no way something this easy will ever work for me”.

I told her remember if it doesn't, you still get 100 bucks

So what do you have to lose?

A week later Amy practically danced into the gym

When I saw her and I was like so did you lose three pounds?

She said "I lost five five pounds in a week"

And I have to tell you from that point on Amy was a different woman.

* Her energy levels were back

* Amy had just lost 5 pounds instead of 3

* The zest for life is back

Now 2 weeks later...

Amy looked different she had already lost 12 pounds while doing the bare minimum.

And I had to drop by Miami for a week, I told Amy I will see you when I come back.

It was the third week and OMG.

The results were astonishing.

Amy was different, slim and sexy, she had lost her first 27 pounds of fat.

The face Amy had was something I have never seen before in my years of being a trainer and nutritional expert.

A real transformation.

Amy then came to me and told me

"“Sal you have a gift and it must be shared to the whole world""

"That is teaching the people who have the hardest time losing weight the no BS way to lose weight that requires zero willpower."

"There Is Hope . . ."

Now that the system exists they can get results fast and be like your case study people.

Learn how you can totally reset your metabolism
Take back control of constant food craving
Learn the step by step system to losing weight all year round without any willpower

I'm sure you would love to know what the heck was it that I shared with Amy.

And I'll get to that in just one minute but first we need to address the elephant in the room…

The Three Big Weight Loss Mistakes That Are Keeping You Fat!

First Mistake: Going on another Fad Diet.

Guess how many weight loss diets are out there? Probably about a hundred about this point.

You most likely heard of the juice cleanse, elimination of carbs, and calorie counting. 

But what do these diets really do?
In plain and simple terms they lead to going from one fad diet to another. Never really helping you achieve permanent fat loss.
It’s like a fiction book.

Most fad diets are fiction stories promising to help you lose weight and change your life forever.
But only to have you become more discouraged than ever.
What about following the non-fiction book that actually solves these issues.

Second Mistake: Consuming Soybean Oil

What is the most common oil used in the United States of America?

It’s soybean oil and as you know America currently right now has an obesity epidemic.

The main factor of this is soybean oil which for the last 4 decades has had a huge increase in intake.

From a study that proves that when compared to coconut oil soybean oil adds 25% more visceral fat towards your belly.

So what you can do today is to stop using soybean oil and replace it with healthier options like canola oil.

Third Mistake: Eating so low in calories where there is no turning back

Eating low in calories actually damages your metabolism and makes it slower.

Where it sets you up for weight loss failure for a long run.

First mistake with eating to low in calories is that your messing up your female hormones by

● Causing your estrogen levels to drop

● Reduce your thyroid hormones leading to weight gain on the longer run

● Increase your chances of insomnia leading to poor sleep and depression.

Eating low calories also messes up your metabolism…

By eating low calories your actually setting yourself to the trap of turning off your the hidden “fat loss switch”.

This is one of the reasons why so many women go on a low calorie diet end up gaining more weight back. 

The moment you go back to eating the way you did. 

It’s already too late.

"Why Should I Listen To You ?"

Why should you listen to me?

First, my name is Sal Jordan and I am known as America’s #1 Honest Fitness Coach and Nutritional Expert.

Secondly, unlike most gurus I actually sat down and did the research for you.

During that research phase there is something you don’t know.

And it’s the missing link to losing weight forever vs never.

What you don’t know is during my investigation phase I figured the reason why 80% of individuals never lose weight.

It All Comes Back To The Ancient Weight Loss Hormone “LEPTIN”

It goes back to the year 1994.

Where we were first introduced to the leptin hormone

Which as we all know if we have low leptin levels the chances of you being obese is likely high.

But what you don’t know is that during a study there was a test group of 136 healthy weight individuals and 139 obese individuals.

Where they had there leptin tested out and extremely shocking results have came in,

The study concluded that the 139 obese individuals had TWICE as high of leptin levels compared to the 136 individuals that had a healthy level bmi score. (Friedman)

In simple terms having low leptin levels is rare.

Having high leptin levels is common in overweight individuals.

That was eyeballing to me when I first discovered this

I was completely shocked and devastated because I finally found out the truth.

The Fitness Industry is Lying To You…

And they have been for decades.

Worse still, they actually don't even understand you

These plans like weight watchers, low carb, low-fat, and calorie counting are doing nothing but stealing your hard money.

Because they never had gone down to the root of the problem and that is your brain is starving 99% of the time.

Leading you to eating more despite you having excess amounts of fat in your belly.

It would be like someone sleeping 12 hours a day when they are not really tired.

With leptin receptors being found in the brain section known as the hypothalamus.

Which main function is to tell your body when you're hungry or not is now out of whack.

When this happens it makes it harder to suppress your appetite.

Which leads you to keep eating more and more,

Even when you think you're actually not which then as a result makes you become overweight.

Which leads you into a downward spiral where you would now have insulin resistance.

Also having leptin resistance is interrelated to having insulin resistance.

Which with another downward spiral you end up having the metabolism of a 80 year old women

To another downward spiral of almost having type 2 diabetes.

I Have Good News and Bad News…

Good news is we now know why there's an obesity epidemic.

You know people's hormones are out of whack. Especially the leptin.

Bad news is how the heck do you get your leptin receptors go back to the way they were when you were a kid.

So for a whole week I kept myself hidden from the world and I went to work.

I did a deep dive into Weight Loss 101

During my research I had to really track what stops Leptin Resistance.

It was this the infamous FAT LOSS SWITCH

You know that friend who just loses weight instantly quickly without really doing much.

They can break the infamous rule of not eating past 7 pm and still look the same year by year.

Well women like this usually have a dark secret there hiding from you.

It is at an unconscious level with the strategy being completely against the grain.

The dirty secret is that they have a different type of motivation than you.

That motivation is explained amazingly by Joseph E Mroz from the university of Nebraska medical center.

A physical therapist that had done a study on a group of women over 40 on why it is harder for them to lose weight.

And in a 30 month time period it was concluded...

That the women who had the motivation to lose weight had kept gaining weight and never achieved to lose weight.

But the women that didn’t care about the appearance and health aspect just lost weight month by month.

That’s not fair is probably what you’re thinking and that’s what I was thinking.

How can thinking about looking slim and sexy ruin your chances of losing stubborn belly fat forever

During my own research I also concluded the reason why...

They were following a lifestyle rather than a diet.

This is the “Fat Loss Switch”.

It is the cure to fixing leptin resistance.

There are three phases backed by many scientists including some from Harvard university and it goes like this.

We start to clean up our fat cells by going into a state known as autophagy.

Where we put our bodies into state known as autophagy

In this process our bodies are self eating by breaking down damaged cells.

Which starts to create new healthy cells.

In the second phase we start ramping up our fiber intake and in a study done on if cereal fiber had an effect on leptin resistance.

In a 24 week span with 48 participants.

The study concluded wheat and oat fibers improved leptin resistance by improving the leptins signaling.

In the third phase we increase our protein intake

Not like a bodybuilder, but we just only increased it by 15 percent.

As with another backed up research in a 2 week study

Concluded that eating from 15% to 30% protein intake while still enjoying carbs had participants ending up losing 5 pounds.

Just imagine if you activate autophagy as well as the increased fiber the subjects would have probably have lost a lot more.

Also not to mention in intake of protein in the study concluded that it improved your leptin satiety levels

Which is helping your brain know that it is not really being starved

Introducing "Burn Eat Repeat"

This is a system where with hundred of hours of research going through to
help you burn fat like crazy.

So you can finally wear that dress that you always wanted and have the slim waist of a fashion model.

Eat foods you love like pudding, pizza, cheesecake, and chocolate every night.

This new groundbreaking approach to weight loss that most companies would spend millions to stop.

As it attacks their plan of keeping you always overweight and have you stuck on a hamster wheel of diet plans.

Burn Eat Repeat is not a diet plan but a lifestyle of dropping weight so quickly.

While gaining the genetics of the naturally skinny person who just eats whatever without zero consequences.

Here's just a taste of what's inside . . .

The morning routine Instagram Influencers are not sharing with you for it affecting their detox diet business plan — (pg. 52)

The “Fortune Teller Fat Loss Trick” to make you drop 3+lbs per week —- pg. (34)

How you can get lean and sexy while eating foods you love — pg. (15)

My bizarre tactics to having unlimited 10x energy — pg. (43)

How the secret exclusive 120 club women use this “Broken Rule” to burn fat on autopilot — pg (44).

The “4 Deadly sins” your committing leading to a nasty metabolism trap — pg (1).

Lean how to NOT be part of the 86% who are DOOMED to be overweight by the year 2030 —- pg (7).

The “Dirty Dark Secret” why women always give up on the third week — pg (40).

5 major morning supplements to AVOID in the morning — pg (21).

The “simple fix” to a drinking alcohol and a flat belly — pg (44)

Your “28 Day Fat Burning Plan” that creates a rapid transformation where you smile so hard your cheeks hurt — pg (55)

A Jedi Mind Trick to looking slim and sexy without even going to the gym — pg (42).

Get the “Nightmarish” natural fat burner that scares every weight loss pill in the market — pg (20).

How to Eat Carbs and get FASTER results than KETO — pg. (25)

"Who Needs This Product And
Who Doesn't?"

Who Burn Eat Repeat is NOT for…

If you have the genetics a natural skinny women
If you want to lose weight fast and destroy your metabolism
If you think a magic pill fix helps with weight loss

But, if you relate to yourself with any of these then Burn Eat Repeat is what the doctor ordered

You want to lose 35+ pounds while enjoying pizza, ice cream and chocolate every night (sounds crazy, but that’s exactly what one woman who followed the program did!)
You have tried everything under the sun but haven't gotten any results
You want to restore your brain as a 20 year skinny women

And there is a very good chance that Burn Eat Repeat contains the "KEY" to having a Flat Belly without any Will Power

"What Are The Alternatives?"

Weight Watchers - Did you know that weight watchers has only 11 percent success rate by insider.com meaning that out of 100 people only 11 will actually lose weight.

Calorie Counting - Eating in a caloric deficit is not always the best approach to losing weight as whenever you lower your calories your making it 10 times harder to lose weight as eating a caloric deficit has a nasty effect on your metabolism.

Weight Loss Pills - Just a snake oil salesman selling a dream that will in the end raise your blood pressure and will make you have fast heart rate and remember cardiovascular disease the number 1 cause of death in the United States.

Keto - As much as Keto works, are you ready to give the foods you love to follow a diet that is extremely hard to follow and imagine having to follow a diet that requires you to give up the foods you desire.

Or you can go follow Burn, Eat, Repeat and stop worrying about…

● How many calories you have to track per day.
● Whether to enjoy carbs or not.
● Another magic pill wasting your hard earned cash.

It’s time to learn the hack to becoming a fat machine the moment you wake up.

"How Much Is This Going To Run Me?"

So I don’t know how much time I have left to post this letter as I might get this letter blocked by the big giant fitness companies.

Because of this only the next 200 people will be able to have access toward this system.

So I have to remind you that I do have a mission and that is to have women over 40, 50 and 60 to become the most lean version of themselves.

So let me ask you a question: how much would it be worth to naturally lose weight forever?

How much will you pay for your friends secretly being JEALOUS of you…

Begging to know what secret you know that they don’t know

How did you lose incredible amounts of fat from your hips, arms and thighs fast?

How would you feel that you have an incredible weight loss lifestyle and never have to diet again?

Just picture that in your brain for 2 seconds.

What do you believe would be an amazing price of just having that flat belly.

Having the ability to lose weight is easier than brushing your teeth.

You my fellow reader would believe it would cost around $147 to never ever go another “diet hamster wheel”.

As you look at yourself in the mirror with the smile that shows the zest of life.

You start to feel your stomach and it feels different.

It's flat and slim without you doing a single squat.

A deal like that would probably be worth a lot as you're now saving yourself a lot of money as you're skinny all year round.

No more worrying about how you would look in a bathing suit.

Or what type of dress you're gonna have to wear on an important event.

This deal can be worth from $147 to $97

But I want to help you out today and my mission when I got into the fitness
industry was to make a real change in this space.

Because of that this program usually goes around for $67

With a One Time Payment of $19

It’s a bargain when compared to programs like…

● Weight Watchers
● Whole30
● Jenny Craig
● Nutrisystem
● Noom
● Beachbody

"But Wait There's More!"

Bonus #1: Burn Eat Repeat Quick Start Guide

If you're an ambitious soul and you want to get to the nitty gritty fast!

That’s why I decided to design this Quick Start Guide.

An easy way you can start implementing everything you learned from this training.

This quick-start guide in 10 minutes can help you drop pounds.

While still receiving the same results as Burn Eat Repeat and it’s just a simple download.

Bonus #2: 7lbs in 7 Days

Now to make this completely a no brainer I have added a special 7-day training for you.

As you know life sometimes justs get in the way.

Sometimes you buy a product and days later you forget about it.

With this 7 Day Email sequence...

You will get 7 Days of custom personalized emails to by me to help you drop 7 pounds in just 7 days.

This alone is worth more than Burn Eat Repeat.

Imagine getting guidance for a program you that gives step By step plan on what to do each day.

Bonus #3: Flat Belly in 15 Minutes or Less

I hear it all the time. How can I just lose fat from specifically from my arms or stomach. What if there was something more inferior to spot reduction.

And it's called "Flat Belly in 15 Minutes or Less". Even the promise of Burn Eat Repeat is to lose fat without any exercise.

For you I literally created a training that is done 2x a week that takes 30 minutes or less to accomplish.

There will be no 3 week trial of seeing results. As everything in this Bonus gives you maximum FAT LOSS without even being in a gym.

Doesn't require equipment either. A bonus of this magnitude is probably worth more than $47 but today you get it for free.

Your New Subscriber Discount

As a subscriber to the Truth About Leanness Newsletter for only today you get “Burn Eat Repeat” for special “early bird” discounted price of $19

We both know that a system like this is worth a minimum of $147.

But today as a member of the Leanness Club you get a 72% discount 

Only a one time fee

● Quick Start Guide
● 7 Pounds in 7 Days
● Flat Belly in 30 Minutes or Less

These 3 bonuses are worth more than $47 on their own.

But today for a special discounted price you get it all for just $19. 

Burn Eat Repeat, A Quick Start Guide, 7lbs in 7 Days, and Flat Belly in 30 Minutes or Less. 

Imagine having the top tier systems to help you never have to struggle with losing weight ever again. 

All you have to do now is claim your discount and click the button below to start slimming down today.

Frequently Asked Question's

Use a simple question answer format to address any all of the largest objections your prospects could have.

Will this work for me?

Yes… As the program is literally designed for women 35 and over
so any excuse because of age, slow metabolism or genes will be a thing in the past as this program has literally been designed to that combat that.

The whole point of Burn Eat Repeat is stop all the weight loss frustration and start to get you to lose pound after pound.

But I have a slow metabolism?

As you saw above, going through just the first phase of Burn Eat Repeat you can just in one week time dramatically improve your metabolism.

The longer you follow this plan in no time you will be wearing that dress that you always wanted to wear

As well as have the metabolism you once had in your 20s.

How Long will it take for the program to work?

Results do depend on the individual and their circumstance.

But what I can tell is that Burn Eat Repeat is a program that is designed to get you to drop pounds fast.

If you get Burn Eat Repeat today you also get the bonuses that have one goal and it is getting results in less than 7 days.

My “60 Day Money Back” Guarantee

I am so sure of your success with this program I guarantee a 60 Day No Question Asked Money Back Guarantee . . 

If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with"Burn Eat Repeat " even if you don’t like the program for whatever reason just send me a personal email any time in the next 60 days for a full, prompt refund. 

And I will insist you keep all my bonus gifts for you FREE just for giving"Burn Eat Repeat” a try. 

Fair enough?

"Now The Time To Decide"

You have two choices

1. You can just leave this page and lose the early discounted price

And go through the motions of…

● Feeling that your trapped inside your body 

● Go hopping on another diet plan for the same exact results

● Still drinking lemon water every morning just hoping

● Feeling the guilt of not working out 2 hours a day or eating boring bland food

And I don’t want that for you and just look what can happen if you take the second option

2. You enroll in Burn Eat Repeat and stop the madness forever.

Stop looking for the answers as when you join you get everything you need to know when it comes to losing weight and dropping stubborn body fat forever.

Just simply click the button below, enter your payment information right now (before life just gets in the way) and get immediate access toward achieving the body of your dreams.

The timer has expired!



“Serum immunoreactive-leptin concentrations in normal-weight and obese humans.” PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8532024/.

Friedman, JM. “Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue.” PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7984236/.

“Health and appearance reasons for weight loss as predictors of long-term weight change.” NCBI, 5 December 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6299317/

Henderson, Emily. “Researchers illuminate the link between autophagy and the body's metabolic response to fasting.” News Medical, 15 March 2022, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220315/Researchers-illuminate-the-link-between-autophagy-and-the-bodys-metabolic-response-to-fasting.aspx.

Tello, Monique. “Intermittent fasting: Does a new study show downsides — or not?” Harvard Health, 30 October 2020, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/intermittent-fasting-does-a-new-study-show-downsides-or-not-2020103021235..

“Effects of cereal fiber on leptin resistance and sensitivity in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat/cholesterol diet.” NCBI, 16 August 2016, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4989175/.


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